For the month of June the Cutter is turning off the presses and allowing our malnourished, vitamin D-deprived staff a chance to venture outside and enjoy the sun.

Whilst football takes a rare break – with only a poorly-timed England international and the Under 21s Euros on the immediate horizon – there will be very little to report upon aside from nonsensical transfer rumours and perhaps a lower-league plebeian getting a bit rapey in Magaluf.

So while cricket, golf and tennis take centre-stage (or centre court with the latter) we’ve decided to take this opportunity to overhaul and improve Britain’s best free bullshitting tabloid.

Rest assured, we shall be returning far bigger, brighter and infinitely better, with a newspaper lay-out that will include the latest, breaking news, opinion pieces written by the most promising young writers around, and all the daft fake stories that you’ve come to know and slightly like.

In short, keep us bookmarked, because we’re going Premier League.

Upcoming features include the ten most promising youngsters you’ve yet to hear of (by Ric Ireland), a tribute to the Ajax side of the 1990s (by Simon Jones), and The Death of the Centre-Forward (by Ste Tudor).

The Cutter is not only changing its style….we’re also getting some substance too.

During our short hiatus we will put up some of our favourite stories and articles from our first few months of existence. These ‘highlights’ will be linked to our Facebook page and, if you haven’t already done so, please feel free to add us. We’re Daisy Cutter, the gorgeous gal in the cowboy hat.

Since we launched in February we’ve amassed over a thousand regular readers and, without being mushy, we’d like to thank you genuinely from the bottom of our heart. You are either friends or people we’d like to have as friends and the incredible support has made all the 4am scribbling more than worthwhile.

Next season promises to be truly epic in every sense. Potentially the most intriguing and significant campaign for many a year.

From July onwards we can look forward to some sensational transfers as both United and Chelsea seek to overhaul aging squads, City look to cement their top four standing with some genuinely top drawer recruits, Arsenal could conceivably purchase a whole new spine, whilst Spurs might have to build all over again. Meanwhile Liverpool’s re-emergence under Dalglish will be fascinating to observe, Villa may be starting from scratch under new management, QPR could become an enthralling soap opera, and the top flight welcomes a Welsh side into its fold for the very first time.

Once all these dramatic issues have been concluded we can then look forward to the Euros followed shortly after by the Olympics.

The 2010/11 season only finished two days ago and already we can hardly wait to get back on the ride and start all over again.

Factor up and be nice to one another. We’ll see you all very soon.

Daisy x