A Portsmouth landlady has won her long-running fight to air Premier League games in her pub using a foreign TV decoder. After previously paying out nearly £8,000 in fines and costs for using a cheaper Greek decoder Karen Murphy yesterday had her appeal heard at the European Courts of Justice.
The ECJ concluded that national laws that prohibit the import, sale or use of foreign decoder cards are contrary to the freedom to provide services.
Their ruling could have a profound impact on Sky’s monopoly of the British game and an even greater impact on the fortunes that swill around it.
Mrs Murphy said after the verdict ‘I’m relieved, very relieved. It has been a strange time and I am glad it is coming to an end. I feel I have taken on the Premier League and Sky’. That’s probably because she just has.
The ECJ did add that while live matches were not protected by copyright, any surrounding media, such as any opening video sequence, the Premier League anthem, pre-recorded films showing highlights of recent Premier League matches and various graphics, were “works” protected by copyright.