In yesterday’s Cutter AViD discussed the possibility of introducing video technology into football. Here Noel Draper puts forward a solution to goal-line disputes that is so simple it would eradicate injustice and controversy at a stroke and would barely cost a penny. Alas it’s an idea so straightforward there is no way that FIFA would ever go for it.
It’s the World Cup from a lovely part of the globe called South Africa. The game is delicately poised at 2-1 to Germany. Suddenly, and completely out of character compared with his performance so far, Frank “Fat” Lampard hits a shot from the edge of the box that beats the keeper and bounces off the bar and goes behind the goal line.
A nation celebrates. Bald men in pubs leap like new born lambs on trampolines. Except, the game is continuing. The referee and his assistants think it hasn’t crossed the line. Frank wobbles after the ref, hands on his head in complete shock. The game continues and it’s still 2-1 to Germany.
After the game has finished the call again goes up for goal line technology to be used in football matches but the governing body is unsure. They roll out the same old lines involving technology not being 100% or the human element of the game will be lost.
Managers then throw their weight behind the movement (careful Big Sam) with Mr Wenger, Mr Ferguson and Mr Coyle all coming out in favour of the technology. Even Mr Dalglish wants it apparently though no-one can really understand what he says so his vote is ignored.
Ex players like Lee Sharpe and Michael Owen join the growing ranks of goal line technology groupies and FIFA start to bend, allowing trials to take place and even saying that if successful then goal line technology might be used in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Never one to miss a band wagon the Scottish and English FA’s decide to volunteer for trials with Alex Horne even saying that it could be in place for the start of the 2012/2013 season.
The third way? Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Mr Mark Robberts, a 71 year old author and playwright. His solution is simple.
But, and it’s a big but, the whole point of football is that it’s the same where ever it’s played. From the ‘jumpers for goalposts’ in the local park to the mega stadiums of the incredibly skint in South America, the game, the beautiful game, is the same. Same rules. Same ball. Nearly the same size pitch. How does this technology transform itself to grass roots?
In reality it doesn’t. It never will. Which is why there needs to be another way. Personally i would love to leave the game alone, to leave it to give us moments like Fat Frank provided or Mendes v Carroll or even the non goal of Watford v Reading in 2009, cheers for that one Mr Attwell, but it’s not going to happen as the juggernaut that is Blatter won’t be stopped.
The third way? Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Mr Mark Robberts, a 71 year old author and playwright. His solution is simple. Create a gentle slope immediately behind the goal line. A slope of 10 degrees will be enough, enough for any balls that bounce beyond the line to gentle roll into the net. If the ball lands on the line then it will do what it normally does.
No cameras. No computers. No fancy watch that the referee has to wear. No cash cow licensing agreement. Just a spade, it is that simple. Of course this idea was put to the FA in 2007 but was turned down presumably because Gary Lineker backed it but It has been tested and it works. Every pitch in the world can afford it and put it into practice. Football will still be the same where ever in the world you are playing the beautiful game and surely that’s the point?