Following a fight at the Circle Club in Manchester in the early hours of Sunday morning that left a 33 year old man in hospital with head and neck injuries El Hadji Diouf was arrested on suspicion of violent behaviour. I know, who’d have funk it? The former Bolton, Liverpool and Rangers striker, who is now at the club he grew up supporting.…Doncaster Rovers, always seemed such a pleasant chap.
We often ask our writers to write from the heart and what you’re about to read is certainly that. As strong as the message is however it is hard to disagree with a single word.
By Rollercoaster Ranger
The F.A. may be unable to act without F.I.F.A.’s blessing over desperately needed goal line technology and are too scared of Sir Alex Ferguson to do anything about cheating Ashley Young’s pathetic diving, but surely they can kick this repugnant man out of English football?
I assume, as he is Senegalese, that he possesses a French passport and therefore the F.A. can’t just withdraw his work permit, but there must be some provision in the rules to enable them to kick him out of our leagues, a “fit and proper player” clause if you like.
His litany of disgraceful behaviour before this latest incident includes spiting at both opposition players and supporters, allegedly threatening to stab his then team mate Anton Ferdinand when both were at Sunderland, racially abusing a ball boy and, of course, verbally abusing Jamie Mackie as he lay on the pitch with a double fracture of his leg. I can’t believe that any true football fan in this country feels anything but contempt for this loathsome man.
So are the F.A. going to sit and watch while the standard that they are supposed to uphold drops to an all time low? It is time for them to stand up and show that they have some balls. Kick him out. Failing that I call upon all the Chairman, Directors of Football and Managers of clubs in this country not to sign this thoroughly vile, repulsive and hateful pariah.