A frustration for every Sunday league player is smashing a thirty yard screamer into the top corner, turning in celebration, only to see two old geezers and a dog nodding their approval. Well not the dog obviously. He is busy sniffing his own crotch.
In your head thousands of fans are singing your name and declaring you a superstar. Indeed that goal has proven you ARE a superstar. In reality though your girlfriend will later ask you to stop going on about it because Dickensian is on.
Thankfully Budweiser Dream Goal is back, giving Britain’s unsung amateur footballers a chance to get the acclaim they deserve for their wonder-strike or individual moment of genius.
Entrants simply need to submit their video at www.budweiser.co.uk and while doing so check out their rivals’ goals on the Dream Goal gallery.
Don’t have a video of one of your pearlers? Well that’s all the motivation you need to try for the spectacular this weekend.
The very best will be analysed by Sky Sports’ top pundits, Carragher and Redknapp with the winner also starring in Budweiser’s TV ads. There is also the not-insignificant matter of fifty thousand quid being given to the non-league club of their choosing.
The best goals will then be selected to feature in weekly ‘contender’ slots on Sky Sports during high profile matches throughout the season.The ultimate winning goal will be revealed on 15th May via a special, extended 90 second ad, featuring the goal and the pundits’ analysis.
So what are you waiting for? Go deep, pick up a square ball from Bodger, and strive for the amazing. In the meantime, should you require inspiration, check out this magnificent effort from Fernando Moke of Chapeltown Fforde Grene football club, Leeds…
Full terms and conditions can be found at www.budweiser.co.uk/dreamgoal and further information can be found at www.youtube.com/budweiserUk and www.facebook.com/budweiseruk.