by Ste | Dec 31, 2018 | Features, Interviews, Main Features
Two Men In Search Of The Beautiful Game continue their non-league odyssey, this time out venturing to Hitchin’s Top Field complete with the aroma of ‘lovely onions’. Words by Daniel Magner. Photographs by Tom Sparks All is far from rosey in Toms...
by Ste | Oct 21, 2016 | Features, Interviews, Main Features, NewsNow
This week saw the launch of The Man In The Middle, Howard Webb’s keenly anticipated autobiography that is already making headlines through its serialisations in the newspapers. From reffing in the amateur leagues around Rotherham to officiating in a World Cup final...
by Ste | Jul 5, 2016 | Features, Interviews, NewsNow
Whatever box you ticked for the referendum, or indeed if you stayed at home and watched Homes Under The Hammer instead of voting, we can surely all agree these are immensely troubled times. And at a time of national crisis we are most in need of artists of interest...
by Ste | May 24, 2016 | Features, Interviews, NewsNow
For much of the time Jon McClure is the lead singer of Reverent and the Makers but when he’s not rockgodding on stage or in the studio knocking out career-best albums like Mirrors you can usually find him at Hillsborough. Born and bred in the Steel City Jon is a...
by Ste | May 1, 2016 | Clubs, Features, Interviews, NewsNow, West Ham
If you were a fan of Cockney Rejects a third of a century ago and wanted to see a band you like play songs you like then you’d have probably been best off taking along a flak jacket. The late seventies, early eighties were, to put it mildly, tumultuous times in...
by Ste | Apr 8, 2016 | Features, Interviews, NewsNow
Eliza and the Bear are a band on the cusp. The likeable five-piece from Essex already have an infectious single under their belts that charmed its way onto every radio station’s playlist while the word-of-mouth that’s surrounding them is approaching a level of...