by Chris Tobin
With Roberto Mancini and his expensively assembled Manchester City team so dramatically capturing England’s greatest footballing prize many observers are now suggesting that City will step forward and dominate the game here and possibly in Europe also, in a similar way that Chelsea managed to wrestle the title of the country’s best side from Manchester United a few years ago.
Manchester City however are a different package to Chelsea Football Club and indeed Manchester United – City have never been a club despised in the same manner that those others have been, where opposing fans have directed a vitriol and venom toward those clubs for a lack of integrity, an accusation that lies purely in the opinion of foes, and other supporters.
It is not just about a jealousy toward success, it is also the perception of how they feel clubs are managed and supported. An acceptance on the achievement of winning, but more importantly how the supporters celebrate themselves, and where and how they revel in their success is what separates modesty from conceit.
Over the last 40 years I have seen Manchester City [from afar] in many different forms and guises – always respected, their support has been acknowledged as some of the very best, their fans incredibly vocal. The team itself may have a reputation of being able to acquire defeat from many jaws of victory on varied occasion but give them an insurmountable challenge and they come to the fore.
Many none City supporters like myself, will have been urging them on in the latter weeks of this season, not only because they did not want United to win the title, but also because they actually have a great deal of goodwill from footballing fans and indeed many within the media have found the City story quite refreshing. Where it differs from the Chelsea and Abramovic version, is it remains in its infancy. The City project however also has a much greater foundation on which to build – Chelsea always as a club had that London arrogance about it, even when it had no right to condescend it would still feel the need to act in that way, and generally is disliked from that attitude, whether rightly or wrongly.
Manchester City like Newcastle United over many years would find themselves with that tag “everyone’s second team”. They would have the ideology of a footballing team, playing the game in the manner that fans would enjoy, many times at the detriment of itself; it was not long ago that they would find themselves in the third tier of English football – looking like they would never return – certainly not in Fergie’s lifetime!!
As yet they have not found themselves having to hand out plastic flags to create an atmosphere, or hymn books with the words to Blue Moon printed so all can join the sing-along, or fill their programme notes with instruction to the Poznan. How long though before opposing supporter’s acceptance with United’s neighbour, does a 360 degrees, and turns to hatred. The supporters and the players have just as big a role to play to protect their heritage; they have seen how it has turned out at United and Chelsea where outside their own support they are despised, where they are thought of as bandwagon clubs.
Money can buy you many things – the world’s very best footballers, the world’s very best managers and coaches, gleaming trophies with untold riches in the guise of silver. The more grandeur City become to those looking in from outside, the more they will attract the attentions of fans intent on hopping aboard, those with instant success on their minds, the win at all cost brigade- unconcerned about where you came from, your colourful history, indeed what is required to support Manchester City.
Those jumping aboard the rock and roll club that City have now become, do not pay attention to League Cups, or F.A. Cups that a heartbeat ago fans would have sold their grannies to procure – will now just assume to be distractions to this new breed, they will dilute true support, with a belligerence toward genuine supporters of years standing – as they scream harder and shout louder “WE WANT SUCCESS – WHEN DO WE WANT IT……NOW”.
Many before have, and I am sure many will soon follow in signing a deal with the devil, in pursuit of an identity which moments earlier you despised with every ounce of your being, a stance of loathing which you were quick to assume toward a foe, all now replaced as your footballing soul is purchased – with no returns policy.
For now Mario Ballotelli has the footballing community as a whole looking upon him as a character within the game, but how long before he becomes a Joey Barton type? Soon the media will want their pound of flesh from Manchester City, the reaction will be the most telling, whether they gain plaudits, or become persecuted. In a way with the Tevez saga City and Mancini have already given us a clue as to the direction of this club, and what they are prepared to sacrifice in the face of possible success.
It is now over to the owners and Manchester City Football Club to show the watching world, whether indeed this is the very start of something, or as I fear – the very end.
Prawn sandwiches anyone?
Nicely written, but many have said that it was mainly ABU’s who cheered when Agüero scored – it remains to be seen if that becomes ABC’s.
Unfortunately, probably, for some.
But we as City fans must not ever get ahead of ourselves, we must live for the now but remember the past, and lesson those who are unaware of what we all went through. Perhaps (hopefully – truly hope), we will not become arrogant and self-demanding of the title, or any title for that matter.
As a life long city fan i fear the bandwagon coming, but not much we can do but keep our solid support as it has been.
P.S – 360 degrees would keep us going the same direction!
Does the word deluded ring any bells? city’s support vocal? Never mind even turning up for home OR away games? Seriously, are you having a laugh?
It’s still hurting is it, ragboy.
Are you aware city sold out every single home league game and the entire allocation for almost every away game this year?
Sold out home and away this season but hey, why let facts get in the way of your bile!
It’s funny how the great City support has grown as the riches come in. This ‘great support’ you talk of, where was it in 2006/07 season when you only sold 83.8% of your seats? It’s unsurprising that you only turn up when you’re winning.
You will have the tag of glory supporters etc, because you have not always been there. You have not always been filling the stadium. It’s only now you’re buying trophies that you’re bothering to buy tickets. Fickle fans, really.
Some stats for you:
Season / Ave / %
2011–12 / 47,044 / 98.3%
2010–11 / 45,880 / 96.1%
2009–10 / 45,512 / 95.4%
2008–09 / 42,900 / 89.9%
2007–08 / 42,126 / 88.3%
2006–07 / 39,997 / 83.8%
How many other teams get on average over 40,000 for a relegation battling season? Or 30,000 down in division 3? Sad, bitter boy.
Good article.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
One thing is for sure is that the owner will not tolerate City players mouthing off about their rivals like United players have don since Christmas. City have just talked about what they have to do.That is a a good start.
@Mark you’ve proved the point I was making. You’re only turning up now you’re buying trophies. Thank you, at least you admit that your fans are only going to games when they’re winning but staying away when you’re losing. Hence the song “where were you when you were shit?” — stands with some truth, that you were at home, not supporting your team.